
As a member, you are required to follow these rules. If broken, you will be punished based on the severity of your situation.


Minimal Swearing FoF is a PG-13 site. We allow swearing, though we ask that you keep it down to a minimum. It should mainly be used in-character.
No Spamming Spamming includes blank posts, any post under three words, posts irrelevant to the topic currently being discussed, posting twice or more in a row, and while in character, any completely out-of-character posts.
Respect Everyone Everyone on this site, members, staff, even visiting guests, are to be treated with equal respect. Bullying is strongly prohibited, and rudeness will not be accepted.
That being said, while everyone is to be treated with equal respect, please do not question staff judgement unless you find it to be truly ridiculous and unfair. In which case, please solve your issue with the staff member in a civilized manner, or bring it up to one of the admins.

Chatspeak is discouraged Mostly 'c', 'u', 'cuz', etc. is discouraged. However, commonly used abbreviations such as 'omg' or 'lol' is happily accepted.
One account per person Each person should only have one account, where they roleplay all their characters. Although it's not a rule, we ask that you use your own email when registering, and not your friend's, or family member's. This is to prevent confusion on identities.

in character

No Powerplaying, Godmodding, or Mary Sues / Gary Stus

• Powerplaying is controlling another person's character, performing an action before the other person can respond. Minor powerplay is allowed when absolutely necessary. Example: if one of the characters is unconscious and unable to respond.
• Godmodding is making your character invincible. An example would be while in a fight, your character can dodge the other character's blows, while all of your own blows are perfect and always make contact.
• Mary Sues and Gary Stus are perfect characters. If your character has no flaws, and everyone supposedly loves him or her, then he or she is a Mary Sue or Gary Stu.

a. No Killing You are not allowed to kill another person's character without their permission. If you wish to kill off one of your own characters, you need to receive permission from one of the admins.
b. No Children Your character cannot have a child unless you have received special permission from the admins.
No Graphic Scenes As mentioned before, we are PG-13, and do not accept gory battle scenes or birthing scenes. Please either fade to black to time skip if you find yourself at such a scene.
Characters Appearances Must Be Realistic If roleplaying a human, there is no ban on hair color, as they could have dyed it. However, unrealistic eye colors are not allowed. If roleplaying an animal, such as a cat or wolf, they must have both realistic fur colors and realistic eye colors.
Also, please do not give your character a disability unless you receive permission from staff.

out of character

Keep IC Disagreements IC Please do not bring in character arguments into out of character discussions. If your characters have a disagreement, then it is between your characters, not the roleplayers. Vice versa, try to keep OOC disagreements out of roleplay.
Vents and Rants are Allowed You're welcome to vent or rant against an issue, as long as it's not about a certain person, whether they're on-site or off-site. Also, please be aware there is a difference between ranting / venting and whining, digging for compliments, or just plain insulting someone.